
All connected Dunstwolke devices will form a common fabric which allows IPC calls between different applications, even if those run on different devices.

Each device runs a central fabric daemon that will perform discovery of known devices and will do all dispatching of system calls. The fabric daemon is also able to spawn applications.

Applications are written in Wasm or in a native language. Wasm applications can be transferred seamlessly between devices, while native applications are tied to the host machine.

Application Design

Applications have a entry point that will set up the application, but in contrast to other operating systems, the entry point will return to the OS. Now when events happen, the applications will be called with a set of events that lead to the wakeup of the application. The purpose of the entry point is only initialization and request of events.

Syscall Design

The following sections describe the rough ideas of a system call design for the Dunstwolke Fabric.

Fabric Management

  • listKnownDevices() []Device lists all devices in the current fabric
  • listAvailableDevices() []Device lists all devices that are available at the moment
  • removeDevice(Device) void removes a device from the fabric
  • addDevice() Device pairs a new device to the fabric

Process Management

  • listProcesses() []{ Pid, Device } lists all running processes
  • listProcesses(Device) []Pid lists all running processes for a device
  • getProcessStats(Pid) ?struct { … } returns the statistics for a process if any
  • kill(Pid) void kills a given process
  • spawn(File, []String) Pid spawns a new process with the given args and file
  • moveProcess(Pid, Device) void moves a process to a new device


The IPC of the fabric will work from applications to other applications targeting a certain subsystem identified by a Guid.

  • createIpcService(Guid, display_name) ServiceHandle will make this application provide a new IPC subsystem
  • destroyIpcService(ServiceHandle) void will shut down a previously established IPC subsystem
  • getIpcMessage(ServiceHandle, blocking, *Pid, *[]u8) bool will receive a IPC message
  • sendIpcMessage(Guid, ?Pid, []u8) will send a message to the service Guid with an optional target application

TODO: How to manage IPC responses? A non-Service might want to have answer to things


Network system calls operate on the ip address of the fabric. Each fabric will have a one or more outbound ip address which are routed via a single device. An application creating the socket for an ip does not have to run on the same device that has this ip.

  • createUdpSock(ip, port) UdpSocketHandle creates a new udp socket bound to the given port
  • closeUdpSock(UdpSocketHandle) void destroys a previously created socket
  • sendTo(UdpSocketHandle, ip, port, []u8) usize sends data to a udp address
  • receiveFrom(UdpSocketHandle, *ip, *port, *[]u8) usize reads data from the udp port
  • getSocketName(UdpSocketHandle, *ip, *port) void